The gala this year was the special one having a Vintage Hollywood theme to make the night even more special attendees took it very seriously dressing like a movie star from 1930-1950s. The reception took place at the salon with terrific views of Times Square been at the center of the world you can't bite that! The dinner portion of the evening started with the amazing performance of Topaza Watkins-Edmon as a terrific welcome to all at the ballroom with her astonishing voice. The co-host of Good Day New York Lori Stokes gave the warm welcome to all attendees and invited everyone to sing along "Lift every voice and sing" leading by Bishop Darren Ferguson, which put a magical touch to the evening. Thomas M. Rutledge Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Charter Communications gave welcome remarks pointed out African American families have the right to be homeowners and underlined that Urban National League had been helping families to make that dream come true for all! As well as make education available for young people and reach, as a result, their goals! Because education should not be a privilege but a necessity in order to get a better job and a better life. Tom Rutledge was invited to give an important speech about how critical is to help and provide access to education for the next generations. This amazing organization is dedicated to make people of color part of this country's success and be part of our community prosperity as well. The award was given to Michelle Nedorff, who made outstanding remarks informing to attendees the importance of companies and organizations involved for decades supporting the evolution of African American people over the years. His home town San Luis sadly became a symbol of injustice towards minorities, however, the local leadership little by little transform that into a much better justice system for all leaving behind the ignorance and No-So-Equal opportunities basically in the entire town! Mr. Nedorff made an important remark that communities are basically responsible for those changes over the decades and the companies had and have followed. That reminds us that no matter who you are you have to speak out and not be afraid to fight for a change! Tim Murphy who is the chairman was also on the stage to shared with us the advance technology we have access today's lifestyle and also informed us the gigantic donations MasterCard is giving to change life's in our community taking in consideration diversity as the main tool as equal opportunity for all making a reality that everyone is treating equally no matter the color or background may be.